Monday, January 21, 2013

Creating Memories!

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Wonderful memories are created each and every day of our lives. I frequently am reminded of something positive from my childhood when I hear a certain song, eat a certain food or just have one of those déjà vu moments.  Even a certain odor can take us back many years to a great memory.

A Van Halen song brings me back to days at a lake in Nebraska while in High school. Homemade noodles take me back to family functions at Grandma and Grandpa's house with extended family.

As I’m writing this, Don’t Stop Believing by Journey is playing.  This song reminds me of great times at a Church camp in Nebraska.  Several years ago in grade school, I went with some friends to Camp Comeca and had a blast.

Homemade banana pie takes me way back to the early 70s.  My granny made the best banana meringue pie!  I can remember those days clearly.  After school I would go to Granny's house and watch Gilligan’s Island and play.

30, 40, 43 years later, many of those memories still bring a big smile to my face.  I'm so glad I have those positive memories.

The Pina Colada Song by Rupert Holmes that was playing earlier reminds me of a store called the Korner in my hometown.  My best friends and I spend hours in this store buying candy and fishing lures.  The Korner has been gone for several years.  A liquor store has replaced it.  By the way, I do stop in the liquor store once in awhile when I go back to visit my parents.

I remember Sunday nights when my favorite cousins and aunts and uncles left and went home.  It was sad as our home was empty after everyone left. It would be several months until I would get to see them again.  Oh but what a great time we had when we were together.

Some of my favorite events with family were times at the
fair and holidays.  I remember many, many years ago, loading up cousins in the back of a pickup truck and going to the fair.  If one of us were out of line, grandpa had a
Caltalpa tree in his yard with long pods that were used to spank us.

YES! We got a good old fashion spanking back in the day. We can't do that in today's politically correct world that we live in.  That's a topic for another day.  This topic is about creating lasting memories and legacies.

The small things in life that our parents, grandparents, friends, family etc. do creates a legacy and lasting memory in our lives.  Many of those moments may be sad and bring some tears to our eyes, but later in life bring a smile to our face.

Those of us that are parents now need to ensure that we continue to create lasting memories and legacies in our children.  Some of those memories will make our children smile and some will make them cry.  Just because our kiddos cry, doesn’t mean we are evil parents.  Crying is a natural way of releasing emotions from our bodies.  Let’s face it, babies cry, toddlers cry, teens cry and adults cry – it is ok to sob occasionally.  We shouldn’t punish kiddos each time they release some of their emotions.  If we punish our kids each time they cry, we are telling them it is wrong to release emotions.  This could create heartless kiddos that do not care later in life.

Sometimes the flood of tears is a relief, freeing and cleansing aspect of life – it is ok

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